World's Best Blues Party
was a great success!
See you Dec 7 2025 for World's Best Blues Party 2 at Parkteatret, Oslo!
![Krissy Matthews Alle 01122024-55 corr[11].jpg](,h_400,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/Krissy%20Matthews%20Alle%2001122024-55%20corr%5B11%5D.jpg)

"En solid innertier!!"
"A solid ten!!"
Haugesund Blues Club
"Det er noe av det beste vi har sett pa lenge."
It's one of the best things we've seen in a long time.
Mandal Blues Club
"Sykt bra konsert! Årets beste! Anbefales sterkt!!
"Very good concert! The best of the year! Highly recommended!!
Sandnes Blues Club
"Dere vil absolutt få med dere denne konserten! For en kveld det ble!"
"You will definitely want to see this concert! What a night it was!"
Bjørgvin Blues Club
"Dette må være en av de beste konsertene i bluesklubben på lang, lang tid!"
"This has got to be one of the best blues club gigs in a long, long time!"
Stavanger Blues Club
"Vi takker Krissy og hans flotte Vikings blues band trio for vel gjennomført konsert. Enestående.
"We thank Krissy and his great Viking Blues Band for an extraordinary concert. Outstanding."
Misvaer Kultur Scene, Bodo
"Fantastisk konsert med Krissy Matthews and the Viking Blues Band."
"Fantastic concert with Krissy Matthews and the Viking Blues Band."
Asker Blues Club
"Tøffeste torsdag i Mo på lang tid!"
"Best Thursday for a long time!"
Tuff Enuff Blues Club, Mo I Rana
"Med Krissy Matthews and the Viking Blues Band på scenen oss Oslo Bluesklubb fikk publikum oppleve en rå blues-konsert! Fantastiske musikere, stor spilleglede og et herlig repertoar."
"With Krissy Matthews and the Viking Blues Band on stage at the Oslo Blues Club, the audience got to experience a raw blues concert! Fantastic musicians, great joy in playing and a wonderful repertoire."
Oslo Blues Club
"Vi kan love at vi IKKE ble skuffet, konserten var helt rå, og at Krissy hadde humor i tillegg, var ikke noe minus.
Krissy og bandmedlemmene var veldig folkelige og lette å samarbeide med.
Krissy Matthews og Viking Blues Band anbefales på det sterkeste."
"We can promise that we were NOT disappointed, the concert was completely raw, and that Krissy had a sense of humor as well was no minus.
Krissy and the band members were very down to earth and easy to work with.
Krissy Matthews and Viking Blues Band are highly recommended."
Fredrikstad Blues and Jazz Club